Monday, September 24, 2007

A(rgyle) B(icycling) C(onspiracy)

Some people are Jason...a little while ago, he asked me if I would write a "guest essay" for his fairly new site, RocBike.

Now, this was shortly after I started my own little blog here, and I was heady with the prospect of being "published" at not one, but two (!) websites. So of course I said yes.

Then, about a month later, Jason asked if I would write another. Well, how could I deny him? However, this time I took quite a bit longer to produce, the sheen of celebrity having rubbed off somewhat.

Jason, being sneaky, sent me an extremely witty email, asking could I please, pretty please, submit my essay. The combination of wit and flattery gets me every time, so I promised him, and even gave myself a deadline.

The next thing I know, I am being asked for a bio and a photo, I've been added as a member of "Team RocBike" and now have posting privileges!

What's more, Adam came up with a new look for the site, and can you believe it, it's ARGYLE!

Obviously, this is another sneaky way of sucking me into their cycling conspiracy...for heaven's sake, anyone knows that a knitter, upon seeing argyle, is going to be compelled to design some bike-related accessory with said argyle pattern.

Clearly they are teaming up against me to make sure that I neglect work, family, graduate school, and my OWN site, all with the plan of drawing me into the world of the cycling blog-o-sphere.

I admit, I am powerless against their sneakiness.

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