Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Frost warning

Sunday morning I learned that there was a freeze warning for the night. That meant I put aside some of my other plans for the day in order to bring in the harvest (but not without finishing that little pumpkin, from Curly Purly, that I felt compelled to make over the last couple of days.)

Mostly herbs (TONS of parsley, also basil, oregano, mint, lemon balm, lemon verbena, rosemary, nasturtium, tarragon)

Also, some green tomatoes, green beans, tomatillos, kale, and Swiss chard.

And (probably) the last of the flowers...

I brought the herbs that I'll eventually move inside, along with a "bowl" of lettuce, into my garage-sale greenhouse.

And I noticed that even at the end of the season, Rebecca still looks fabulous.


Tracy said...

I'm still clipping herbs from my garden. I sort of assumed that if they weren't brown, they were ok. Do you think I have that all wrong?

Julie said...

Oh, no, you should be fine...I just knew that if I didn't get mine in now, I might not have a chance to get them in the quantity needed for vinegar.